The Nool
The Nook is a neighborhood coffee shop. It’s a quality place with all varieties of coffee, snacks/sandwhiches, pastries/cookies, and even ice cream. There are may places to sit inside as well as outside at the gorgeous patio. This should be a place that feels very comfortable and relaxing, and almost cozy, hence the name, The Nook. It may have many people in the establishment, but it always feels cozy and at home in a comfy setting for all ages and all mixes of people dining there together. I tend to like logos that are circles, though that is not necessarily a requirement. (…). It should be simple and sleek, be representative of the business, and be an attractive logo that I would be able to make stickers of to give out for free.
Il fallait réunir l’idée d’un animal – un oiseau (nook), mignon, évoquant le bien-être – et l’idée d’un coffee shop. L’oiseau-tasse de café, l’écureuil-vapeur tenant un grain de café ou le chat dormant-ronronnant en forme de tasse.